How to make a simple pencil marking gauge.
The pencil marking gauge is a simple, yet very useful layout tool. This was one of those things , that I would get around to making and , its took nearly a year to get around to. It's very common for me, in my work, to be marking out boards, anywhere from 300mm to 500mm. I cut and square one edge, then work from that edge. I have used a combination square, to mark out parallel lines etc. for some time . As good as they are, they have two main flaws. 1) when marking parallel lines , my pencil tends to wonder off the edge, of the ruler section. 2) The biggest combination square I own , is 400mm. That is the ruler section, so I don't get the full 400mm, because there is always a portion, of the ruler in the main body. This becomes a problem or more of an inconvenience , when marking out boards wider the 350mm, which is common for me, to do . So then I have to make two or more, measurements with a tape measure, and join the marks up with a straight edge. So