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Showing posts from December, 2017

Making a wood and leather bag

A wood and leather bag, that has been floating around in my brain for far to long, has finally materialised . Consisting of a American Walnut, dovetailed frame , with lots of holes (162 to be exact) . Leather sides/ lid, and string to stich the whole thing together. The build itself wasn't hard but , it was fiddly and time consuming. The basic frame come together quickly with the dovetail construction.  The 162 holes however did not, they were drilled (10mm apart) and countersunk  by hand, inside and outside, to stop any fraying while stiching the bag together. These had to be spot on , as the stitching is a design feature and in plain sight. I glued the dovetails and used some 90° blocks, to help keep things square.   I added glue blocks to the inside corners to strengthen the joint, which I also beveled . Once the frame was dried I placed the leather on a flat surface, and Drew around the frame , inside and outside with a pencil, I also marked o